5 Day Online Course Challenge

Get a course up online and ready to sell!

Course Summary

Give us 5 days and we'll motivate you to get your online course up and ready for sale.

This is the ONLY online course challenge where you are gifted the materials for your success!

Course Curriculum

Sharyn Sheldon

I've been designing and creating training programs for over 30 years, both for Fortune 500 companies and small businesses. When I started my online business, Content Sparks, in 2011 I had to find a creative way to both stand out in a massively crowded market AND generate new content ideas every month. The result? I've grown my business to multiple 6-figures yearly revenue and built up our proprietary training library of over 150 courses and counting. Now, I enjoy helping others create their own courses and build their businesses, while I travel all over the world at the same time!

Course Pricing

5 Day Online Course Challenge

